Aikido Tendokai martial arts instructors are qualified black belts under the World Wide Aikido Headquarters (Hombu Dojo). Tendokai kids martial arts classes and our adult martial arts classes are taught by Aikido black belts.

Yumi Nakamura Sensei

Shihan Nanadan (Seventh-degree black belt)

Robert Carroll Martial Arts Sensie

Robert Carroll Sensei

Shidoin Rokudan (Sixth-degree black belt)

Robert Fudge Martial Arts Sensie

Robert Fudge

Godan (Fifth-degree black belt)

Michael Barker Martial Arts Instructor

Michael Barker

Sandan (Third-degree black belt)

WIl Wong Martial Arts Instructor

Wil Wong

Sandan (Third-degree black belt)

WIl Wong Martial Arts Instructor

Leslie Kestin

Nidan (Second-degree black belt)

WIl Wong Martial Arts Instructor

Christine Nguyen

Nidan (Second-degree black belt)

Peter Ruzanov Martial Arts Instructor

Peter Ruzanov

Shodan (First-degree black belt)